Live Your Life

Being happy for others success



We need to restore what we learned when we were little.. treat others how you want to be treated. We all want praise when we accomplish something. So then why is this so difficult for us when it happens to our peers? It may come from a competitive, jealous or negative place. But we need to learn to show others love and happiness and wear a cheerful countenance. I want to learn to show others how amazing their accomplishes are. We have absolutely no idea of others battles. We have no idea what they had to do and sacrifice to get to their goals. Sometimes its so hard we have to fake til we make it and say "Wow I am so happy for you" when in reality are are upset it didn't happen to us. Treat that person right and it will cycle back to us. If we want to be hooped and hollered at for our accomplishment we must go above and beyond for others. It is a cycle. If we treat someone poorly when they expected a congratulations then the next time around we to will receive that hate. DON'T JUST CONGRATULATE.