Dine & Dish With Dawn

4: Dine & Dish with Danny Trejo



"Everything good that has happened to me has happened as the direct result of helping someone else." - Danny Trejo [embed]https://vimeo.com/175507048[/embed] *Film by Nelson Lee of Noteworthy Collective   For our fourth episode of Dine & Dish with Dawn, I didn't have to go further than right around the corner from my house to get my interview on…and leave with a new baseball cap on my head. There, I met up with Machete himself, actor & producer Danny Trejo, at his flagship restaurant, Trejo's Tacos, where we enjoyed street tacos and street corn, while he waved at fans who honked at us as they drove down La Brea. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="6" gal_title="Select Gallery"] Danny and I dished about everything including his time in prison (including 4 months in "the hole"/solitary confinement which led to a life-changing epiphany), addiction and recovery, the importance of having people around you that you trust, what Cinco de Mayo really means, how the whole world can think you're a movie star but you ca