Peter Rukavina's Podcast

Preston Manning on Populism and Communication Style



Michael Enright interviewed Preston Manning this morning on The Sunday Edition about populism. I’ve always had a lot of time for Manning, even though, on paper, our politics don’t overlap very much; he made an excellent point in this interview, one that resonates with something I’ve been thinking a lot about in the age of Trump: Enright: How do we gauge or measure the fact that people, elites so-called, are not listening to what the grassroots are saying? Manning: Well one way, Michael, is to look at their communication style. I’m not knocking elites, I’m just trying to reflect on the points you’re trying to get to. Why is it that so many people no longer listen or are impressed by them. And the communication style of elites, whether it’s academics, or high business executives, or government executives, is that they’re source-oriented communicators. They say what they want to say, in the language they want to say it, with the media that they are most comfortable with, and that’s a perfectly fine method of