Peter Rukavina's Podcast

Live From the Formosa Tea House, Session Three



We recorded Live From the Formosa Tea House: Episode 3 this afternoon. And because the Formosa Tea House is closed until February 24th, we switched locations and recorded here in the lounge at 84 Fitzroy St. in Charlottetown. This episode features the best audio yet, with three microphones running into a mixing board running into my iBook. We missed the delivery of the iced tea and dumplings, though. In this episode you’ll hear: Talk about travel. My trip to Croatia last fall, Dan’s trip to Peru coming up this spring, and Steven’s trips to San Francisco and upcoming honeymoon trip to Europe. We also talk a lot about travel in general, using the Internet to make reservations, and the differences between being a tourist and being a visitor. News of the new Queen Street Commons project that silverorange and others are working on at 224 Queen St. in Charlottetown. Random musings about the nature of web design work vs. “creating real things.” Special bonus “I always thought I’d be an architect” musings from