Peter Rukavina's Podcast

Alexa, ask PEI Power for a Summary



About a year ago, when Amazon unleashed the ability for third-party developers to create skills for its Echo speaker devices, the first one I created was a skill that allowed you to ask questions about Prince Edward Island’s electricity load and generation. But I never took the skill to certification (the review process by which Amazon certifies a skill and makes it available to everyone), and so while I continued to use it myself in “developer mode” on our Echo, nobody else could. I decided to follow through on the last few bits of the skill development a couple of weeks ago, so that others could benefit. And at the end of last week I received a notification that the skill is now live for all Echo users in the U.S. and Canada. This means that, if you own an Amazon Echo device, you can now ask it things like this: Alexa, ask PEI Power for a summary Alexa, ask PEI Power about the wind Alexa, ask PEI Power for the load Alexa, ask PEI Power for the peak load in 2014 Alexa, ask PEI Power for the peak lo