Welcome To Sleepy Hollow

Episode 16 - Angry



After a few weeks of sickness and hectic schedules on both ends, Abbey and Sarah are back to talk about episode 6 and 7 of Sleepy Hollow. Episode 6 recap: We talk about how much we loved Joe and how we hope he sticks around. We briefly see Jenny and wonder why we don’t see her more often. Henry tries to manipulate Frank into killing the man who maimed Maisie, and we wonder again why we don’t see more of Frank in this series. Beginning to see a pattern? Let’s add another famous face to our list of people Crane has interacted with. Daniel Boone everyone. Did the Shaman skull save Joe, or was it Abbie? Abbie now know that Frank has signed his soul over to Frank. What does this mean for the future? Episode 7 recap: Basically we spend 40 minutes ranting. The only good thing about this episode was Reyes. It leads to some interesting discussion on what we think the future looks like for sleepy hollow.