The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #27: Do What You Love and Love What You Do with Debra Swersky



Have you ever wondered what it takes to find work you actually love? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to love the work you do? Have you ever wondered if it was possible to have both things at once? I know I have... There was a time when I was so miserable at work that I wondered if I would ever find anything that lit me up and got me excited about life again. I was so down that I lost my sense of wonder and forgot that the world was full of possibilities. I would go from feeling hopeful one day to completely hopeless the next. I was worried it would never end... Sound familiar? If this doesn't describe you, then statistics tell us that it probably describes the person sitting next to you. Studies show that nearly 75% of the workforce in the United States is either not engaged or actively disengaged with their work. That means that the majority of us are either asleep at the wheel or just downright hate our jobs. So where do I get off talking about "loving the work you do" when most of us are dreading