The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #18: Getting Unstuck, Life Long Learning, and Lessons in Finger-Smashing with Michael Hoffman



Have you ever had a chance encounter turn into a life-long friendship? Did you know that it would the minute you met? Do you thank God for it everyday? I did. I have. I do. I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Michael Hoffman almost 2 years ago. He was introduced to me by a mutual friend, and we decided to meet up for coffee. I had planned on 30 minutes for coffee... 1 hour max. Two and a half hours later, we both needed to refresh our coffees, and we both missed our other meetings. It was mentor/mentee at first hello. I was sold. Since then, Michael has been such and incredible influence in my life-- professionally, personally, spiritually, emotionally-- you name it. I'm sure I don't say it enough, and if he's reading this, he's probably blushing. But you know what, it needs to be said. Sometimes people come into our lives by chance. Sometimes they come into our lives on purpose. This relationship of ours has definitely been the latter. I'm so excited to be sharing this podcast with you today, because Mic