St. Bonaventure School Of Business

Mike Kasperski (Repeat--first one would not play on correctly nor download)



NOTE THIS IS A REPEAT OF THE PREVIOUS MIKE KASPERSKI EPISODE. For some reason, the previous version would not play on iTunes. SORRY. Mike Kasperski is a name everyone on campus knows. He is a lecturer in accounting, the Pat Premo Internship Director, and holds about 20 other volunteer positions both on campus and in the local community. He is one of the busiest people I know, gets along with everyone, has oodles of common sense, and is an all-around nice guy. We talk about internships, what a CPA is and how to get the distinction, how alumni can help, the BAA trip to Charlotte, the future of education, and quite a few other things. I think you will like it! jim PS I re-uploaded this as there were some issues with downloading it on iTunes. I hope it works. IF NOT, you can listen to it here (on Zencast)