Mom Boss Tribe

Quieting The Mama Monkey Brain - My Top Three Hacks



You know when you are trying to keep tabs on all your kids at the same time PLUS have a conversation PLUS remember to schedule your annual pap smear, remind yourself to grab milk on the way home, AND still be coherent?   Yeah.....mama, sometimes we just need to slow down and tame that monkey brain!   This episode I'm sharing the three (simple AF) ways to do just that.  These are not complicated and don't demand hours or fancy gadgets.  Just you, and your body, and just a few minutes, ok?   Join me inside the #MomBossTribe private group to share which of these you will try on FIRST.   I'm focusing on SIMPLIFYING mama self care for the rest of 2018 so we can get YOU on your to-do list each day, mama.  What things are you trying to over-complicate?  Share them with me inside the #MomBossTribe so we can simplify the shit out of them in a future episode :)