Gung-ho Weirdo

Episode #8: WritingRantingWritingRanting! Vomit Draft Challenge



Good Morning WeiRdos! Thanks for tuning in to Episode #8 of the Gung-ho WeiRdo podcast. Today, as every other day, I went on various rants but most importantly, I talked about writing. Writing is everything. It's the beginning of the filmmaking process. It's the middle of the filmmaking process. It's the end of the filmmaking process. If there is one thing that independent filmmakers don't spend enough time on, it's the script. Today, I'm challenging you to write/submit your 22 minute Vomit Draft. Rules are simple: Turn on your stop-watch/alarm for 22 minutes. Do nothing but write until the alarm goes off. Try your best to begin and end a story in that time. Then, submit it HERE.