Give Up The Ghost Stories

Ep.001b - Ghost Stories Lab



In our first Ghost Stories Lab, we cover our survey results and Reanetta tells about her experiences with premonitions, being a ghost, and seeing a ghost. Results from our first Ghost Stories Lab survey have started to roll in. This week we cover survey feedback from people who had ghost encounters when they were children, what emotions they experienced, as well as hear one story from a respondent who saw the ghost of a neighbor in the 1950s.  Reanetta gives her childhood account of her personal experiences as a child medium - from seeing her father after he passes to her first memory where she is floating over her crib.  WARNING! Loud bird sounds! This week we have 3 guests on the podcast sharing their stories, 2 guests are screaming birds so if the sound bothers you please skip over the orb story from minute 8 to minute 14.    Ghost Lab Survey:   Instagram: