Berlin Anmeldung Stories

Turkish Diaspora Identities– minisode with Zozan



This minisode is an outtake from the last interview we aired with Zozan, a Kurdish Turkish masters student in Sociology here in Berlin, at Freier Univiersitat. Our conversation explores identities within the Turkish diaspora. Zozan talks about her personal experiences with the 1st wave of Turkish immigrants – guest workers that migrated during the 70s – and she reveals how the brain drain Turkey is now experiencing colors peoples opinions of her motivations for being in Germany. Please let us know what you thought of the episode by joining our community group on Facebook & Twitter @BerlinPodcast! To listen to past episodes featuring Zozan, her main interview episode, "Save a tree, don't move to Germany" is here: And her teaser episode, out last month, called, "Who are you calling an expat?" can be found here: Transcript of