Everyday Charlotte

Our Island Story, H.E. Marshall - Chapter 3



Welcome to Everyday Charlotte and thank you so much for listening.  To get all the latest up to date on the Podcast visit us at EverydayCharlotte.com,  You can also follow on Instagram @AnEverdayCharlotte and Facebook at Everyday Charlotte.  Our Island Story, by H. E. Marshall is public domain.  You can find the book at https://archive.org/details/islandstorychild00mars/page/n8 Our Island Story is the title given when published in England, it is also known as "An Island Story" as published in the United States.  You can find out more about Our Island Story Episodes Here Everyday Charlotte is owned and operated by Julie Boston.  The song used in this episode, "Wildflower", was composed and performed by Julie Boston and is copyrighted.