Mommas Pearls Show

Power of One, TAKE TWO!!



When I was thinking about whether I can live without a man/husband and trying to host the radio show, the power went out and answered my ?. So, this is the second redo of our Power of One, Plus one show with special guest Stacey MacGlashan. The typical Modern Family is morphing into, well, just whatever you want your family to be. With advances in reproductive technologies and progressive thinkers who buck traditional societal conventions, now more than ever men and women are opting to be single parents. We are honoring all these brave souls this week and joining us is Stacey MacGlashan, a single mom by choice, author of "Just You and Me, Kid" and a clinical social worker. ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Stacey MacGlashan, author of Just You and Me, Kid, is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in therapy with struggling teens and their families. She earned her BA in English literature and communications from the University of Michigan and a MA in journalism from the University of Maryland before pursuing a