Mommas Pearls Show




Well, it’s back to school time!! Can you believe it, the summer just flew by. We’ll be exploring the many facets of education in September and starting at the beginning. Joining us this week is special guest, Ellen Galinsky author of “MIND IN THE MAKING”. We'll discuss the developmental process of how children learn. It’s gonna be a great month!! ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Ellen Galinsky, President and Co-Founder of Families and Work Institute (FWI), helped establish the field of work and family life at Bank Street College of Education, where she was on the faculty for twenty-five years. Her more than forty books and reports include the highly acclaimed "Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs", "Ask The Children" and the now classic "The Six Stages of Parenthood." Ms. Galinsky is also directing the national Mind in the Making learning campaign which includes her new book, Mind in the Making, and Vook (video book), learning modules for early childhood teachers, learning modules and