Mommas Pearls Show

Summer Breeze



In the heat of summer the long awaited summers breeze signals relief. We will keep it light and easy peezy this week in pure Mommas Pearls fashion by keeping it simple, not forcing it, going with the flow and seeing how you and your family can enjoy the summer state knowing that relief is around the corner. Daniella Boonstra joins us to explore ways we can nourish ourselves and keep it cool and simple. ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Daniella knows that there are so many people in this world right now who are on the verge of waking up! Her mission is to love and encourage people to become the best version of themselves. Daniella is an author and life coach and leads two women’s circles and recently led a Meditation Retreat in Northern Ontario. She contributes regularly to 2 blogs, "Live Well Live Wealth" focuses on invoking others to discover their own God-given gifts and talents and to use these to serve the world. "Nourish Thyself" is a more personal treatise on the journey out of the darkness of Bulimia. She ma