Mommas Pearls Show




What happens when you fully lose your voice in a relationship? Well it may be time to throw in the towel. Since I have full blown Laryngitis, my BFF Melissa will be co-hosting this special episode of Mommas Pearls. Special Guest Dorcy Russell joins in the fun and will share how to approach your role as a parent with your partner as equal CO-PARENTS and also will share how to end your relationship in a conscious way with the least collateral damage. ABOUT OUR VERY SPECIAL GUEST: Dorcy Russell is the Founder and CEO of Conscious Co-Parenting Institute. She is a reunification Coach and co-parent educator. She has devoted her career to providing strategies and solutions for parents and children struggling through Parental Alienation and high conflict divorce. The primary focus of Dorcy’s work is high conflict custody disputes involving parental alienation under the pretense of divorce. Her goal is to help establish custody plans and co-parenting roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOT