Naomi Most's Podcast

Periodic Apocalypse #1: Swine Flu



The Periodic Apocalypse: Occasional Lectures on the End of the World series kicks off on April 22, 2009, with a lively discussion featuring Dr. Kirsten Sanford (This Week in Science) and Brian Malow (the Science Comedian). The H1N1 virus emerged from Mexico in late March, borne on the sneezes of swines, and made its way into the US in a matter of days. The media responded in their usual hysterical way, inciting fear and panic around the world. Our program states facts about Swine Flu (H1N1), debunks the myths, and looks at the consequences of media misrepresentation and its effects in a society that is generally unable to differentiate between truth and fabrication. We also get a little silly. :) This program was recorded live, with a live studio audience, at the Pirate Cat Radio Cafe in the Mission district of San Francisco at 21st and Florida, on April 22nd, 2009.