In Life Now Radio

Real Talk with Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton



This is going to be a great show tonight with Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton Founder and Executive Director of The Fatherless Generation Foundation headquartered in Atlanta Georgia. On this episode of In Life Now, Dr. Evans-Barton is going to engage us in "girl talk!" Ladies this show is dedicated to Y-O-U so get sit back, get comfortable, and get in on the conversation... About Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton: "A transplant from Kalamazoo, Michigan, Torri J. Evans-Barton currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia where she is the Founder & CEO of The Fatherless Generation Foundation. Growing up in a single parent household, Torri faced many adversities adding tremendous devastation to her life emphasizing the fact she needed her father. This burden burning on the inside of Torri J. Evans-Barton caused her to realize there were others who are growing up fatherless just like her who desire reconciliation with their absent father. Her desire has now turned into a full time mission of “healing the broken places the fat