In Life Now Radio

Nikki Woods-The Global Visibility Expert



Ladies & Gentlemen! The coach is super excited to bring you this episode of In Life Now Radio because we are going to have an opportunity to listen and learn from one of the world's best in the entertainment industry as well as being an expert in being glabally visible with the one and only Nikki Woods! "Nikki Woods, the author of Easier Said Than Done, is a Multi-media personality, Social Media and Personal Branding Coach, Motivational Speaker and Voice-over artist, and the CEO of Nikki Woods Media. She is also the senior producer of the acclaimed, nationally-syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS), the most successful syndicated urban radio show in history reaching more than 8 million people on a daily basis. She is responsible for the engaging on-air content heard each morning on the over-100 affiliate radio stations that air the award-winning program."