In Life Now Radio

OMG! Blingy Girl Things with Business Woman Extraordinaire, Kanesha Morrison



Kanesha Morrison, founder of Blingy Girl Things, has always had a passion for helping women live their dreams.  As a wife and mother of 3 young children she always is teaching balance. In order to be all God has called you to be, you have to ask, believe and achieve. She spends her time doing JUST that. Teaching women through her makeup company how to dream BIG and go for what they want in life. When life thought it was going to leave her busted, Kanesha decided she was going to BUST OUT and she is helping women do the same. Ladies and gentlemen we are in for an empowering time with our guest tonight with Ms. Kanesha Morrison as she shares some powerful success nuggets to help jumpstart your life so that you can have an edge on making you and your business a huge success. Thank you for tuning in!