In Life Now Radio

Prescriptions For Women with Dr. Sequeda Sutton



Well Family, I need you to hold on to your seats tonight because all the way from Pensacola, Florida In Life Now with Coach TMB has the honor and priviledge to talk up close and personal with Dr. Sequeda Sutton! We are going to be talking about her life, her ministry, and her new book entitled, Prescriptions For Women-A Practical Guide For Letting Go and Living Now. In this debut book Sutton grabs the reader by establishing relationship through truth and genuine concern for the well-being of her readers. With every prescription you will feel yourself getting stronger, and healthier. This book will encourage you to become who you were destined to be through the power of healing, acceptance and release. In “Prescriptions for Women” you will find applicable tools, simple strategies, keeping it real conversations, and easy to swallow prescriptions that will propel you to come out of hiding, and unveil the beauty of who you really are. It’s time to shine. Start reading it and you will soon see what we are saying