Cook With Me

S1E47: Paleo Chicken Marsala. How?



S1E47: Paleo Chicken Marsala. How? Recipe: Paleo Chicken Marsala with Quinoa Pasta (Feeds 2) Get full ingredient lists Sunday mornings, plus calorie and macronutrient counts for all CWM recipes, on my Patreon page! For tonight's recipe, you'll need: EQUIPMENT: md pot, lg pan, measuring cup, cutting board, sharp knife BASICS: salt, pepper, olive oil MEAT: 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast or boneless thighs PRODUCE: 2 green onions, 1 yellow onion, 3-5 cloves garlic powder, 5-10 sliced crimini mushrooms CANS & JARS: 1/2 can coconut milk, 1 cup beef stock, 1 cup white cooking wine, DRY & PACKAGED: 1/8 cup almond flour, 1-2 cups quinoa pasta DAIRY: none :) ADD'L SEASONINGS: none :)