Pretty Little Podcasters

Vanderpump Fools {S05 E01}



Pretty Little Podcasters presents... Vanderpump Fools: a Vanderpump Rules Podcast Featurette! Did you ever wonder what would happen if the worst inhabitants of Rosewood moved to Los Angeles and worked at a Real Housewife's restaurant? Okay, that's a thin connection to PLL, we admit that. But you're legit not gonna find a better way to get through this long hiatus than watching a reality show that features a young lady from Kentucky get berated by her scumbag boyfriend into getting a double-D boob job. Is that any worse that what Ezra's done? You be the judge. Also, to the listener who came up with the great idea for the name Vanderpump Fools, thank you! Remind us who you are and we will give you full credit :)