Paid Actor

Interview with Foster Johns on Accents!



Host Trena Bolden Fields interviews dialect coach, Foster Johns on accents. Join us for a fun show today! Foster Johns holds a B.A. in Theater and English from Boston College.  He was born and raised just down river in New Orleans, LA and has performed in numerous productions there in addition to the Boston area.  Since moving to the twin cities on 2009, he has performed with truly amazing companies such as Swandive Theatre, Theatre Pro Rata, Theatre in the Round Players, Workhouse Theater, The Flowershop Project, Night Path Theatre, Brazen Theatre, Dovetail Productions, Classical Actor's Ensemble, and Jon Ferguson's theater company.  In addition to performing, he has had the privilege to serve as dialect coach to companies such as Park Square, Bloomington Civic Theater, Minnesota Jewish Theater, Chain Reaction Theater Project, Theater Latte Da, as well as a private coach to a variety of talented performers in the Twin Cities.  He aims to pursue an MFA in voice and dialect studies in the near future with the