

The problem with a lot of "home defense" advice... that it focuses ONLY on the "home." By home, we mean, a traditional, stand-alone house.  But what works for home defense for a standalone structure... ...would be TERRIBLE advice for an apartment or condo! Not only that, but there really is no "one solution" to a lot of home defense problems. So how do you tailor your home-defense plan to where (and how) you live? What preparations can you make NOW that will give you the edge... ...when a gang of thugs tries to kick down your door? In this week's podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival's Jeff Anderson explains how HE tailored his personal home defense plan for dividing his life between an isolated, rural home in gun-friendly Texas and an urban apartment in gun-hating Illinois. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The surprising reason that you're in MORE danger of a home invasion in one specific type of housing. The simple modification you can make to an apartment to create a muc