Thought Project With Ashley Rothstein

Episode #029: I was moving too fast, so I imagined balloons tied to me, I 'cut' them off & it helped me slow down & relax



Sometimes I feel like a broken record with how much I talk about my attempts to slow down after I realize I'm moving too fast. Since it keeps coming up, there's obviously something for me to learn here. Because this is something I'm struggling to resolve, I like to try different things...perhaps with the hope that I will finally land on the 'end all' answer that will help me fully and wholly relax forever (ha, even though I know an 'end all' doesn't truly exist, it's still fun to hope and shoot for it). In this scenario, I tried something new and it worked this time around. It was the end of the day. I had multi-tasked too much and my mind was buzzing. Lots of time on screens, and no time outdoors. I had a packed plate, and found myself trying to tack more and more on. I tried to continue to work through the evening, but found myself overwhelmed with nausea every time I continued to work. The nausea seemed to be tied directly to working. So I stopped everything, turned off the lights, laid down, and let my mi