Orpheus Sings

12 - Poem - Slander-Devil



What speaks with devil's wicked tongue? Just like a snake, primed with venom? A two-faced person: Janus-like Who always evil will requite. Its tongues are formed all barbed and bold To slander brazenly. All told In every quarter all around Each lie blared forth with loudest sound. Of its two heads: one charms the view Extracts your secrets, feigning true - Then turns to show its second face: Whose ugly spite brings your disgrace. For what can counter many lies? The truth? But rarely! Where mud flies It sticks. Integrity undeniable Drowns beneath the tonnes of libel. Flee slander-devils! They betray All that they hear the selfsame day. These two-faced monsters you despise So heed them not! Their speech: all lies! Note where these devils live on earth And give their evil lairs wide berth. Their filthy words God shall repay Them their full worth on Judgement Day.