Element Christian Church

Genesis 14 - God Provides A Way



Last week we learned the pattern of human history after the fall was: be born, sin, and die. It is only through Jesus that we can be born, sin, be born again, and live forever. In today’s text, God decides to judge the earth with water; by sending a flood. Sin has destroyed humanity and mankind is unwilling to change; so God righteously judges the earth. The consequence of sin is death (as clearly seen in Genesis 6 and 7). Even in judgment, God provides a way to safety, to life, and a way to live in community with God. Noah is the only one who listens to and walks with God, everyone else perishes in the flood. Instead of completely starting over, God in his goodness gives grace to Noah and saves him and his family. This same grace offered to Noah is offered to us today. People haven’t changed: we are born (we live), sin, and die. Yet God in his love sends his son to die for us, take our judgement, and offers us relationship with Him. Just like in the days of Noah, God provides a way to life.