Soul Sayers

Here For You



Sometimes, people are sent our way to wake us up, shake us up, and get us moving in the right direction. Always right on time and with a needed word to ignite a flame. Guess who's coming for you? Are you ready?   Episode Highlights:   Setting goals Deanna‘s story of transformation Permission to begin ‘living and being you’   Quotes:   “You get to test drive the stuff that you want to accomplish, and get on the road to realizing all the things that you want for yourself.”   “I didn’t feel like my life was important enough for goals to be necessary.”   “My natural abilities, the talents and gifts that I had, they were always just bubbling below the surface looking for chances to escape.”   “How long are you going to continue to make yourself small?”   “That woman was sent to me for that sole purpose that day.”   “The internal transformation – that was the game changer.”   “Today, I know with absolute certainty what I am supposed to be doing while I’m living here on this planet.”   “It’s okay to start the journe