Soul Sayers

Spiritual Being On A Human Journey



Today, I'm sharing some history of my spiritual being on the path to finding greater purpose and meaning through my connection with God. Ever growing understanding of the transformative energy that is the Creator will take you out of your doctrinal box and set you free. Episode Highlights:   How Deanna came to where she is today The writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Deanna’s 3 awakenings The ‘boxed-in spiritual life’ Energy   Quotes:   “God is so vast and so expansive. It would be a shame if we lived all of our lives in one small spiritual box.”   “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”   “I also learned about guilt which seemed to hover around me all the time…I started to wonder what was wrong with me that I could not follow what were described as the simple teachings of Jesus.”   “Why, if I was created by God, did I not have any of his qualities…didn’t I have any heavenly DNA?”   “I found myself with a yearning to be connected to s