Soul Sayers

The Beauty of Tuning In...To You



Checking in - that thing we're advised to do to ward off stress and negative emotions. But when was the last time you checked in with yourself to reflect on your victories? Your accomplishments? The generosity you've shown to others, love and support shared with people you care about. It's time to sit with THAT!   Episode Highlights:   How listeners can help spread the Soul Sayers message Doing ‘check ins’ with yourself Celebrating your victories, accomplishments, and generosity A simple centering exercise that honors and uplifts you Deanna’s Spiritual Wellness Practice   Quotes:   “It’s absolutely necessary to, you know, sit with those icky feelings, to process where they’re originating from.”   “The more I checked in with myself, the better I got at handling negative situations right away.”   “I feel better, consistently so.”   “Think of the stuff you’ve actually made it past and survived.”   “Think about where you are versus where they said you’d be.”   “No more shrugging off accomplishments, okay?”   “Le