Creative Carbon Scotland

COP Tales and Cocktails



This podcast features recordings made at the Green Tease event COP Tales and Cocktails, which brought together people from a wide range of arts, sustainability, campaigning, and policy organisations to have a few drinks and discuss plans for creative engagement with COP26 when it comes to Glasgow in November 2020. The podcast starts with an introduction from Ben Twist, director of Creative Carbon Scotland, who discusses his previous experience of COPs in Copenhagen and Paris and offers some advice on what the barriers tend to be and what makes for the most effective work. This is followed by some thoughts from Chris Fremantle of ecoartscotland. Chris also led a performance of an extract from environmental artists Helen and Newton Harrison's Lagoon Cycle poem, which is not included in the podcast but can be read on their website.  This is followed by elevator pitches from organisations and individuals who are already making plans for COP26. In order of appearance these are: Stop Climate Chaos, Manchest