Creative Carbon Scotland

What's the social and environmental cost of recorded music?



We joined Dr Matt Brennan for the launch of his new music venture Citizen Bravo's debut album 'Build A Thing of Beauty' as part of the Green Tease events programme. The evening also launched a research film project directed by Graeme O’Hara titled The Cost Of Music; and a demonstration of an interactive musical sculpture known as the SCI★FI★HI★FI, which forms the only physical copy of the new album. We took the opportunity afterwards to interview some of the participants at the event, as well as on of the makers of the SCI★FI★HI★FI, about their views on the role of music in tackling the climate crisis! Build A Thing of Beauty draws on musical influences ranging from Jonathan Richman to Robert Wyatt, Brennan recorded the album with the help of friends including Andy Monaghan (Frightened Rabbit), Malcolm Benzie (Withered Hand), Raymond MacDonald (Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra), and Pete Harvey (Modern Studies). Brennan also found inspiration in scavenging and manipulating orphaned samples from antique