You're Gonna Love This... Or Not...

Y2E04 - Ice Pirates



Welcome to Year Two of You’re Gonna Love This… or Not…! For those who have just joined us, this podcast features Matt, who loves watching bad movies in his basement, and Josh, who loves giving Matt grief for his love of bad movies. Every month, Matt is going to bring Josh down to his Subterranean Fun Pit (aka, his basement) and show him one of his favorite bad movies, hoping to find one Josh loves, or at least likes a little bit. On occasion, they bring in guests. This month, Matt and Josh are joined by Jacob, making this his second appearance on the podcast! Together, they sit down and watch the 1984 film, Ice Pirates! This is the film that made Jacob ask, "They knew how to make movies in 1984, so what happened here?" Thankfully, this wraps up Matt's Celebration of all directors, but mainly Stewart Raffill! So sit back, put in your ear buds, and let these jokers fill your ear holes for the next 55 minutes! NOTE: You’re Gonna Love This… or Not… contains harsh language, and reviews R-rated films, so it is not