Soul Sayers

Wait...My 401K Is Down To What?! A Money Conversation With Marigny deMauriac



Episode Highlights: 1) Strategies for market volatility 2) What to do if furloughed or laid off 3) Options for retirement accounts that have taken a hit 4) What to do about handling credit cards and prioritizing bill payments   Quotes:   "Everyone has a risk tolerance when things are going well. You have to ask yourself what are you willing to risk when things aren't going well?"   "I don't feel your financial gameplan should change based on what's going on in the market right now."   "We have to deal with our fears, it's the only way to face them, challenge them, and then move beyond them."   "It's very easy to make a checklist: these are the things that I need, things that I want, my future wishes, and what I'm afraid of."   " I went for a long time not having a clue where all the money went."   "Working through uncomfortable conversations usually leads to somewhere good."   Resources: If you want Marigny's #lifegoals and Financial Survival Checklist, email us at   Contact Marigny deM