Soul Sayers

Bird's Eye View



Episode Highlights We need answers and just want to feel better about what's happening right now. How long will this last? When will I get to go on vacation? Am I still going to have my job? Mostly, people seem to want quick lists, sets of instructions to follow like 5 ways to handle COVID-19 Quarantine or, 10 ways to ease stress.  But the answers, the ones that will truly make you feel better, are found in the spiritual world. Not this crazy one we're in right now. Being connected to your higher self and God can bring relief and insight. So we talk about some good news and some bad news. What you can do about it, and I'll give you a few things to get you started on your journey. Quotes: "See we like to be told what to do - give me the formula and I can quickly implement and execute. But this isn’t like that ya’ll. For sure, I can make up dozens of 5 step plans but honestly, the answers we need aren’t in some a-z handbook." "This situation right here - doesn’t have any pat answers. Not one. Will you get surfa