

I decided to set a record today and I can't do it without you. You know I'm big on small steps. The tiny, daily steps that lead to success. BUT, Today is not that day. Sometimes, it's time to go big or go home. Today IS that day. I want to set 2 records today with the Freedom Club. I want to set a record on how many people finally get the guts to join. I also want to set a record on how many people finally admit that this internet business thing is just a pipe dream and they stop listening to my show. The records are for definite YESes and NOs. If you are tired of all the excuses and are ready to use all the courage you have in your possession... If you are ready for a step by step system to help you gain the freedom you've wanted for a long time... If you want to be a part of a group of your peers that are ready to mastermind with you and be part of your journey if you so choose... If you KNOW you are a winner and are ready to prove it... Today is the day, it's time to come on in to the Freed