Soul Sayers

Just Talking...About Gaslighting



"You know, you are not responsible for enlightening everyone. In fact my love, many people don’t want to be enlightened because that would require them to change. They see change as admitting they are wrong about things - and many people never want to be wrong either." We are living in a time when our sensitivities are they should be. And now is the perfect time to start doing what has been the Soul Sayers mantra since the beginning. Drag all the crap out from the darkness and into the light. Expose bad thinking, fear, insecurity, bias, prejudice, anything that minimizes your greatness. Dims the light you were meant to shine. But not everyone wants to be well. And some will use their resistance to becoming whole as a reason to make you feel that your heart isn't in the right place or you have faulty thinking. So it's time to wake up and get your antennae working. Some folks are pretty sophisticated with their gaslight maneuvers. I think we can be ready for them. Through my spiritual wellness