

I first met Pat Flynn in 2009 when I moved down to San Diego to live on the beach. I mentioned I was moving down there in our Academy forums, (it's the older version of the Freedom Club Facebook Mastermind Group.) I put together a San Diego LIVE meet up and that is where I first met Pat. He had just started my course and was very excited. I didn't notice anything different about him in that first meeting, but I ended up getting to know him very well over the next 18 months. During that time quite a few things happened. My Academy forum exploded and there was more activity than I could handle. Pat had gone through our course and started helping me respond to the multitude of questions happening in my forum, so I invited him to be a moderator. He agreed. We had lunch not long after that and I found out that he had followed my course advice and had already made $7000. We talked about his business and I gave him 2 pieces of advice, as a test. About a month later I started a mastermind group for t