

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, my desire was quite simple. I wanted to work from a home office so I could actually be a part of my family’s lives, instead of a haggard figure they might see as I leave early in the morning or as I come home right before they go to bed. I had no grand visions of a monster-sized house, stacks of cash, exotic cars, a jet, a butler, or a hot tub full of models (YET). Back in those days (2004) I only needed about $2500 a month to cover expenses and would get my desire! (Though it might as well have been a million dollars as I didn’t know how to get the money to cover expenses.) I had a small house, a wife, and 2 very young daughters, so the stakes were high, but my expenses were not. I wasn’t even to a point of dreaming about a million dollars. That wasn’t the goal in the beginning. It so wasn’t in my vision that I didn’t even notice when it happened, I was busy working my mission and enjoying my family. That was over 13 years ago and I’ve refined my dr