Small Business Show

Grant Aldrich - Founder of OnlineDegree



Education is ripe for disruption. In K-12 public school systems that have bloated administration and teachers that never have enough funding to properly run their classrooms and the cost of college increasing exponentially and saddling young people with massive debt as they are just started out. Today we are excited to learn about a new way to help offset those college costs with the founder of, Grant Aldrich. Shannon Jean 0:00 Hey there, welcome to another episode The small business Show. I'm really excited to have you here today because we're really excited about this guest. The timeliness of it. It's almost like we planned it. Right? It's, it's, it's almost like we planned it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's talking about college and non traditional paths, less expensive paths, not in person paths. I mean, all of these things are very timely, for a lot of reasons for a lot of people right now. So yeah, it's great. I'm really looking forward to hearing what Grant has to say about his business