You're Gonna Love This... Or Not...

Y2E06 - Bait



Welcome to Year Two of You’re Gonna Love This… or Not…! For those who have just joined us, this podcast features Matt, who loves watching bad movies in his basement, and Josh, who loves giving Matt grief for his love of bad movies. Every month, Matt is going to bring Josh down to his Subterranean Fun Pit (aka, his basement) and show him one of his favorite bad movies, hoping to find one Josh loves, or at least likes a little bit. On occasion, they bring in guests. The social distancing is continuing this month, so Matt was unable to lure Josh into the SFP. However, Josh now has a computer, Plex has a new group watch option, and Tony has Zencastr, so we have a new episode this month! Matt is threatening a "Summer of Shark" kicking off with this month's selection, Bait. Joining them on the recording this month is Producer Mike, with Tony popping in a few times as he runs the recording. So, sit back, and let these chuckle heads fill your ears with talk of sharks in supermarkets and parking garages for the next s