Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

148: Rebbetzin Bat Chen Grossman, love language affects organization



What do you do when your spouse is not on board with minimizing? Sure, he supports my desire to "declutter" but then he thinks to "surprise" me by ordering useless specific kitchen gadgets on Ali Express...and then it just annoys me. He's trying to be helpful but doesn't understand that the more "stuff" we have, the more stressed the house becomes. The difference between this question and what I answered in the previous episode are that in this situation the husband, in the theoretical way is on board with his wife and decluttering in general, but keep adding to the problem - and is missing the understanding that in this case, more is just more and not better. In order to help me answer this question I asked my friend - rebbetzin Bat - Chen grossman to join me this week to answer this question and a few more about organizing in a relationship! (and if you aren’t in a relationship - stay tuned cause I have an episode for singles coming up!) Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach helping successful wom