Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

081: You can't do it all



Sometimes we try - but we just can't do it all. There aren't enough hours in the day - in order to have time to do one thing you need to take time from doing something else. But - if you take the time to declutter and get organized you will have a lot more time in the long run because after you declutter you will spend a lot less time dealing with your stuff, and let's be honest, stuff takes up a lot of our time. There is no shame in saying no to things, but if you want to do them, and you don't have the time, maybe it is because you have too much stuff around. Don't worry if you don't have the prefect bins or closet, work with what you got, in the end it will likely be OK! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at