Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

076: What I learned from doing the 929 program



I started doing the 929 program a few months ago, when it started for the second time. In case you don't know, 929 ( is how many chapters there are in all of the Tanach. (Torah, Nevim, Ketuvim.) From Sunday- Thursday you are supposed to study one chapter a day, Friday and Saturday are built in as catch up days. I took on the obligation to do this, some days I make it, some days I don't, but, I always catch up. This week we are up to the story of the Jews leaving Egypt, in particular the Jews receiving the Ma'an. Of course, I studied this in school, but going at my own pace with my adult perspective on life, I saw something I never saw before, here, right in black and white, is G-d telling us, take only what you need for today, count on me, I will provide more tomorrow. Are you wondering how this relates to organization? Well, it does, because, so much of what I see, or rather what I hear people tell me is this: "This might come in handy." or they say "I might need