Edmond's Moms Room

Episode 43 Advocating For Your Health!



In Episode 43 of The Edmonds Moms Room podcast Dr. Allison emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and advocating for yourself! A member of our team, Devyn, was dealing with a growing mass on her thyroid and was told by multiple doctors that it would be fine and would probably go away on it's own. After insisting on surgery it turns out it was stage 1 cancer! Not everyone feels comfortable questioning their doctor and insisting on further treatment but we are here to tell you if your body feels different, if you don't feel like yourself, if you KNOW something is wrong but maybe aren't sure exactly what. GET A SECOND OPINION! You Matter, You Know Yourself Better Than A Doctor. We hear so often that "yeah at 6 weeks I was cleared but I still felt off and ____________ still hurt" or "I tried to tell them that this was going on and they blew me off or didn't take me seriously" Find someone who WILL LISTEN. ---> @bodymotionpt would love to help you