Brooklyn, Usa

1 | Truth Rules



Some rules weren't meant to be broken: do unto others as you would have them do unto you; look both ways before crossing the street; "i" before "e," except after "c." Some rules were born to bend: don't wear white after Labor Day; speak only when spoken to; don't talk politics or religion on a first date. And then there's the 2017 version of rules, where it's unclear if they even exist anymore and, if they do, whether or not that they apply to everyone– or just the people who can't afford to break them. Today we've got stories about a time that it was time to break the rules. In our first one, a young man navigates the space between who he knows he is and who he thinks he's allowed to be. In the second, a kid grows up on a walk around Downtown Brooklyn, after waiting for a bus that never showed up. And in the end, we hear from a caller who's digging deep for needles of truth in an alternative haystack. Sometimes the truth hurts, and some rules are for fools. But the truth rules, in Brooklyn, USA.