Film Craft Podcast

Episode 86 - A Look Back At Election And The Punisher



Episode 86 - A Look Back At Election And PunisherThis week we've watched some movies that we loved when we were kids and decided to have a little look back to see what we thought of them with evolved, filmmaking brains. Latif watched Election, Matt watched The Punisher (2004 with Tom Jane).Film Craft is the podcast that teaches YOU HOW TO MAKE A MICRO BUDGET FEATURE FILM. We've made two 'What We Don't Say' & 'Party Stories". Our films are made under our company "A Night Between Lives" and we want to share the experience and knowledge with you!Here's the trailer for our newest movie 'What We Don't Say' : us on the socials! Or check out any of our many links! out our links below! and other video links on your YouTube page : ev